Long time no blog! Still at college, still at the greatest campus on earth (PSU c'mn don't argue). It's been a whirlwind of a year. People drink a lot here. And go out a lot. And do redonkulously (<yes, it's a word, I'll continue to use it) reDONKulously stupid/funny/ ballsy things I never really thought I'd see a human being do. Details on that later kids...
IT'S ST. PATTIES DAY!! After a hard day of working out, classes and work (aka workout classes) we'll see if I have it in me to celebrate. I usually do. Who am I kidding I always do.
So primal/ fitness time... I'm "cutting", as in taking a pair of scissors and trimming the excess fat off my body. Like a steak. Ok not really that'd be disturbingly efficient but I am working to drop some weight. I've floated up and down within a 10 lb range this school year, it's about time I go down. Eating healthy isn't hard here by any means, but busy days and honestly, hormones get to you every once and a while and you just have to order those latenight wings. Or snag some almond milk icecream. And eat all of it... Slight shame so this week I'm starting my "reset" week and being super strict to jumpstart this biz and get back on track.
Sunday will be refeed day. I'm not calling it a cheat day anymore, you're not cheating yourself out of something unless you're harming ypur progress in some way. If I want my 10 wings over wings and pint of vanilla almond milk icecream, I'm having it. Protein, fat, carb, not alot of chemical ish that will get in the way just a full belly and lots of energy the next day. And a happy/ nondeprived mindset.
2 eggs (seasoned with Jamaican jerk, or "jerk eggs" as I call em), a cup of coffee with nonfat vanilla creamer down the hatch. Cardio and chest day at the gym. Have a wonderful day you primal peeps you, stay motivated, ITS ALMOST SPRING :DD
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